Tentatively listing this sweet boy in search of a better personality match for my other mustang gelding who I have already promised forever to. Gentry likes my other mustang, but my other mustang is bottom of the herd and highly offended / holding a grudge over Gentry being dominant. Gentry is not rude, pushy, mean, or a bully. He does like to play, but it's not rough or dangerous. If I can get my other horse to accept him as his forever buddy, I will keep Gentry. Gentry currently stands 14.2h at the withers and 14.3 at the hip. He string tests 15h and has been growing in the past few months. Black Mountain HMA, Idaho, gathered October 2023, adopted November 2023. Ridden 3-5 days a week throughout 2024 with experience in the arena, shows, trails, and overnight trips. Phenomenal training, very smart, easy to work with, and potential to excel in any discipline. • Training included sidepass, haunches in, flying changes. • Can ride in a bit, bosal, or sidepull (currently using). • Rides out alone or in a group. • Very surefooted. Ridden in rocky areas. • More go than whoa, but not hot. • Great work ethic, very willing to please. • Sweet, easy to handle. • Interested in being with you without being a nuisance. • Can be left behind at the barn without issue (I only have two and take one at a time). I have quite a bit of video under saddle, being handled, people and horse interactions. Reach out for photos/video or to come see him. ________________________________________________________________________________________ May Trade: Equal value or partial trades considered for horse, under 10 years old, LOW IN HERD ORDER. Extra points if willing to share hay with buddies. Shorter horses preferred in the 14h-14.2h (my other horse is 14h). Would consider 13.2+ if not too narrow. Would tentatively consider up to 15 hands if herd personality fit. Prefer already under saddle. May consider young horses of other breeds if quality matches (e.g. Morgan, Gypsy, Azteca, crosses, etc).