CP Spooks Lil Gun - 2021 MAX WHITE APHA Mare ee AA SW1/SW1 SW2 and 1 copy of Tobiano * Herda Carrier (NN for the other 5) Sired by Dual Smokin Guns out of a Spooks Gotta Gun mare. "Elsa" is a 14.1 hand mare that we had intended on raising mules out of but we sold out of our mule program last year so we bred her to our Imported 100% European Brabant stallion (pictured) hoping for a colt to keep and just LOOK at the filly she had (pictured here at only 2 days old! ). I have not color tested the filly but I am assuming since she is also max white she inherited all 3 of the color genes and she will be bay (sire is EE AA). This filly is stout and super athletic already! This is an incredibly bred half draft filly that is eligible to be registered with the European Brabant Association as 50%. "Elsa" has been a saint of a mare with her very first foal. She had her on her own with no need for assistance, let us handle her right away, and is just a really good mother. More photos available. She is searching for a new pasture as a 2N1 package with her filly. She is priced at a steal to go as a 2N1 as we are short on space and no longer breeding or raising any AQHA/APHA, mules, or half drafts so we just need to get her moved out. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this nice mare and her filly should bring half of what I am asking for her!