Tucker, has had one hard life. Wall he is only 15 he has been through more owners and bad situations than your average horse. He was brought to us from a kill pen load from Kansas in 2023. We have spend the last 2 years nursing this guy back to health and regaining his trust in humans. When he got to us he was significantly underweight, Malnourished, Dehydrate, he had abases on his feet, his feet were very long and the hoof wall was cracked. He didn't trust anyone, and we could hardly work with him. We worked hard everyday to provide love and care for this guy for 2 years, and finally in the end of 2024 he was able to be ridden, handled and has a clean bill of health. He is a very happy boy full of energy and love. Due to how bad of shape he was in for so long he can only be used for light riding, will need corrective shoes and a special diet. He will be a hard keeper. He gets along with other horses in pasture, loves to roll and play. He does well in a stall but prefers to be in pasture. He has good ground manners and is very gentle. We don't have any real details on his history other than what we have put. He would be great for a first time horse, kids horse. family pet or a companion for another horse. He is such a sweet boy and really does want someone to love him. He has come such a long way and has really tried to be trusting and deserving of a great forever family.