"AVAILABLE ON ONLINE HORSE AUCTION AT www DOT MagicHorseAuction DOT com BIDDING OPEN NOW thru TUESDAY | APRIL 1ST - BUY IT NOW AVAILABLE! *Final price will be determined on auction site* CONSIGNOR CONTACT INFO: Clayton Ryan 270-766-2641 LOCATION: Sonora, KY Miss Raja is a 3 year old saddle mare! She is one of a kind!! She is the sweetest best minded young horse in the barn! She has been on tons of outside miles as well as been ridden in arena! She has a great mind and is willing to try anything! Although she is still learning she has been exposed to tons of different situations! She has beautiful markings and is put togeher very nice! We have ridden her at Green River countless times, Land Between the Lakes, as well as Dale Hollow Lake State Park! She has been ridden mostly outside! She tack well, very easy to handle, and loves to be loved on! If you are looking for a young horse that is very gentle that you can grow with and teach along the way here she is! She is sound and sane! Located in Sonora Ky! Call 2707662641 with any questions"