read fully... Moonshine is a beautiful well mannered gelding going on 6 years old. he acts like a much older horse personality wise he is so laid back and gentle as can be. He is so level headed that I would have loved to turn him into mounted shooting horse and he has been exposed to shooting from our shooting range next to the pasture. He loves getting groomed and loved on. he has ground work done and is in training to be ridden price will increase as training progresses. would make a great trail companion, show horse as he has fabulous confirmation and great potential or mounted shooting mount. please note: he currently has what looks like a quarter crack on his back right hoof that developed last year due to the darn clay around here. I have spoke with the horse shoer and she told me it is not so high that it will not grow out and recommended applying moisturizer 3 days a week. he is not lame in anyway and has great feet otherwise and was approved to continue training under saddle. she estimated about a year before it looks normal again. also the dud stud mystery... I bought him at 6 months old from breeder as a potential stud colt. never dropped, never gelded(supposedly) before I bought him. was later blood tested for testosterone and encryporchid of which there is none thereby making him a gelding. it seems he still likes the ladies though, having been seen trying to mount them in pasture, and makes a decent teaser but without a studly attitude. for this reason only would I say he's not ready for kids or someone who doesn't know how to handle a slightly horny for no reason horse. he doesn't do it when he is in hand so cant tell if it would be a problem or not when under saddle just yet though you can always train it out of him like any other colt. cash is king but may potentially consider a trade for a registered TWH or Appaloosa mare. probably in state only as I would want to view trade b4 hand. 4500. too many to work with so letting him go