Looking for Spirit's Soul Mate: I have owned him the entirety of his life. I owned his Father for 30 years and his Mother for 25 years. Spirit has a great personality. I have done all of his training starting at birth through today. Life has now brought me to a place where I feel it best to place him with what I would hope to be someone's "Heart Horse". He is currently ridden in a snaffle and dressage saddle. Schooled at First and some second level dressage movements. Shoulder in and beginning Counter Canter was the last movements we were working on last summer. He is very sensitive to your voice, seat and leg. Very supple and extremely smooth gaited. His teeth are in a good alignment, hooves have always been barefoot, kept trimmed and in good balance. Wormed regularly and he is completely sound. Spirit tends to be highly alert and will spook without a confident rider to assure him when needed. He has always been ridden with respect an has a willingness to learn. Stands very quiet to mount at mounting block, I have even jumped on him from a bowing positon. He really loves going out on trail rides. He thrives when you put him on an obstacle course. Spirit is willing to try new things for me whenever I ask him. I saw his brave side come out when I did Flag training. He actually exhibited fight versus flight when I used a flag at liberty in the round pen. When he decided to charge at the flag when I carried it in front of him. He is such a fun and special horse and I wish I didn't have to part with him. Please contact me Bettina at 760-484-8798