Here is a tremendous colt with a sensational pedigree. His dam, KT Gunz N Roses, “Ro”, is a daughter of the great Silver Gun. Silver Gun is a phenomenal stallion by Playgun and out of Miss Freckles Reed. Silver Gun has 100+ AQHA Points in Heeling, Heading, Working Cow Horse, Reining, and he was an AQHA Reserve Champion Superhorse, AQHA Champion, Sr. Heeling, AQHA Top Ten Finalist, Sr. Heading (7th), PCQHA Champion, Heeling, PCQHA Champion, Working Cow Horse, PCQHA Reserve Champion, Heeding, AQHA Performance Register of Merit is many divisions. Ro’s dam, KT Major Shasta Dais, is out of Totchie (Colors of Infinity), a big grey mare, and Zinks Major Kid. She goes back to Sonnys OO Buck, Docs Superstar Bar, Major Bonanza, Skipper W, and many more. Bolt’s sire, KT Gunpowder N Lead, “Gunner,” is a fantastic dun roan son of Cue Bars Laddie. Cue Bars Lassie is a roan stallion that has been shown as a reiner, cowhorse and rope horse. He was the recipient of the Open AQHA All Around Trophy and is a CCHA Hall of Fame Horse. Gunner’s dam, Pistol, has been shown NFQHA, has been featured on the NFQHA rule book and in the NFQHA magazine. She is a great working ranch horse, rope horse, and the kids can ride her as well.