Jeb is a 12 yr old draft cross (Percheron/Quarter Horse) gelding. We have had him since he was 5. Prior to that he was pulling an Amish buggy in Missouri. He has been solid since Day 1 and is always our “go to” horse. Never has had any inclination to buck, bite, kick, or act silly. He is willing and always ready to learn. Jeb is the middle of the pecking order. Jeb has taken care of my wife and kids during that time. He has led the pack string in the mountains several times each year. We gather cows on him each Spring and Fall, and he does great. He has been the horse to use with testy bulls. Crosses obstacles, downed trees, and water with no problems. Opens and shut gaits. Jeb is not barn or buddy sour and can be ridden out on his own with no issues. Stands great for the farrier and has been used many times by the farrier on his YouTube channel. Trailers great. Have hauled him to Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah. We have other draft cross horses for sale and are not needing to sell Jeb. We still use him regularly and if another cross bred gelding sells 1st we will keep him…….so please only call if interested.