
Able L13 (Able)
Palomino AQHA Quarter Horse Gelding
Horse ID: 2284104
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Pending Review by DreamHorse Staff
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Position 1
Order #: 00876476 - Date Uploaded: 20-Oct-2024 05:13:30 PM

Position 2
Order #: 00876476 - Date Uploaded: 20-Oct-2024 05:13:44 PM

Position 3
Order #: 00876476 - Date Uploaded: 20-Oct-2024 05:13:54 PM

Position 4
Order #: 00876476 - Date Uploaded: 20-Oct-2024 05:14:08 PM

Ad Type: Pending Gallery Ad

Ad Created: 20-Oct-2024

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Lost Hills, California

Phone: (502) 930-8243

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