Please read in entirety, I am a brutally upfront, honest person. Due to some minor findings on her PPE her price is negotiable to reflect that and I will share those findings with seriously interested parties. The only changes affected would be that jumping/lots of speed is not a good sport for her. If you like a horse that is forward, adjustable, responsive, and tries whatever you ask then Poppy might be your next partner. Poppy is a 15.2hh 13 year old April 1st, 2011 Grulla Paint mare, ½ Tb ½ Paint QH. Poppy was a boarder’s horse at a barn I owned in Washington, she was there two years until I moved out of state so I know her very well. Summer 2024 her owner of 9 years reached out due to circumstances necessitating that she no longer could keep Poppy. She has been in Illinois since August and I have trail ridden, done a hunter pace, and gone overnight horse camping. Poppy is sensitive, but not spooky or reactive, particular about what she likes without being naughty, she has never bucked/reared/bolted and is very safe but she is quite forward with a big canter. You can W/T/C this horse in a rope halter. She can sidepass, open gates, do shoulders-in. I think she would absolutely excel at Working Equitation or lower level dressage, she is not a horse for barrel racing or speed western events. She’s easy to catch, does great in mixed company on trail rides no matter who is close even if they bump her she hasn’t ever squealed. She’s great for the farrier, good for the vet, and decent at trailering. She is a mare and in her case this is what it means: she makes all the mare faces when she’s eating and/or is disturbed, she does not love to be groomed and isn’t super cuddly. She had a bad incident many years ago in the cross ties and has since then consistently panicked so no cross ties, she ties well on a tie ring, to the trailer, a fence post. She doesn't love crossing water but can be convinced. She has no vices and no history of colic. She needs front shoes because when we attempted to go barefoot she got a case of traumatic laminitis from extreme thin soles (I have radiographs before and after to show no coffin bone changes and I will happily let anyone talk to my vet, it should never be an issue again providing she's in shoes, she most likely won't even need pads much longer) She is girthy, she takes a few rushed steps right after saddling even with the girth loose. She does stock up in her legs like many appendix horses do and she has a lump on her leg that the vet thinks is an old stabilized splint. She had two small sarcoids on her ear and face that have been treated with cryotherapy. She has been completely sound except for when our barefoot experiment went south. I have 4 children under age 7 and I fractured my back years ago and it is not loving the workload of riding this mare and my other mare. She really is a gem and needs someone to have fun with her and bond with.