Big bay tobiano mare, approx 15.3h, big and stout, HZ for tobiano, supposed to be broke. Bred to grulla rope horse stud Poco S BK Gunpowder, due March 27. I kept a real nice Dun tobiano filly out of this mare by the sire of the stud she's bred to now. She also had a very nice buckskin tobiano colt by double Yellow Mount stud, sold for stud and rope horse. She adopted a grulla colt one year who lost his mama. Takes care of her baby. Fantastic pedigree, Easy to catch, lead, load, breed, etc. Currently turned out on several hundred acres of range land with the broodmare band. Does fine with other horses, on the lower end of the pecking order. Does fine out on pasture, bred no baby. But when we have a drought and she has a baby sucking she has a hard time holding her weight. So I have to bring her to the corrals and put her on the hay racks until fall when I wean the colt then turn her back out in the pasture. We have had 2 yrs of terrible drought, that is why I am selling this mare. Tested HZ for tobiano, 7 panel neg.