Respectable ground manners, easy to lunge/longline, stands to be mounted, ties and hauls well. Currently in a full set of shoes with pads, has been shod his whole life and stands great for farrier. Zorro gets along wonderfully with other horses in a pasture setting and in the arena. Enjoys all of the attention he can get and wants to be the center of someone’s world (along with someone that wants to take care of his lucious hair). UTD on teeth/shots and has an intensive PPE on file from 2021 available with clean back, neck, leg and feet X-rays. Zorro has 3 attractive, engaging and uphill gaits. He has a ground covering walk along with a true stretchy trot. Has been hauled offsite countless times and his performance is incredibly consistent. Minimal spook along with no rear, bolt, bite or buck. Zorro has been on various trails in CA and a few here in WA, he has a nice walk and can be anywhere in the line up. Solid WTC, reinback, walk to canter and leg yields. He is currently ridden in a 3 piece lozenge eggbutt snaffle. Zorro can be ridden with or without spurs. Has been used for lessons with AA riders, youth riders and beginners, he is very patient and takes a joke. Zorro is a confidence builder and we would love to have him go where he can be the center of someone’s world. He has been in training with me for 8 months and I have loved every minute of working with him. His current owner has decided to go in a different direction breed wise so he is regrettably for sale. Mid Fives (xx,xxx) Showings available in person or virtually. PPE at buyer expense. Contact Nicole