This is one of the coolest teams! Meet John and Wayne! John is the one in the blue halter and is ten years old. Wayne is in the black halter and is eight years old. They both stand just shy of fourteen hands and thick made. These aren’t just your plod along haflingers (although they’re content to do that as well). They have been ridden both English and Western. They will trot/lope circles in the arena, pick up their leads, stop easy, and could be even fancier without much effort. They are the perfect size/age with the right amount of foundation, brains and athleticism for someone to take and utilize in a variety of disciplines. They would make great 4H, therapy, lesson, jumping, fun show and all-around using geldings. John and Wayne will also go wherever you point them out on the trails. They cross water/logs/ditches etc. They are good around traffic/farm equipment/dogs etc. They will ride off in a group and by themselves. They will meander down the trails all day and allow you sit back and enjoy yourself. But that’s not all, they are also broke to drive the very best! It doesn’t matter how long they’ve been sitting idle, they harness up and drive right off like they’ve been hitched every day prior. They have been driven in parades, given wagon rides, driven right downtown with all the noises and sites and could care less. If you’re looking for something that’s truly safe to go drive/build your confidence driving, then THIS is your team! Would be excellent for a commercial driving operation or simply for your own personal enjoyment to hitch up and go. We have thrown the beach ball back and forth on them, used the flag, had plastic bags thrown all over them and they take everything in stride. This is truly a rare find and someone will be very lucky to call them theirs. Located in Dodgeville, WI and can ship anywhere in the U.S They are way too nice of a team so I will not separate them. Priced at fourteen thousand for the pair. Watch their videos: