7 year old gorgeous unicorn we’ll all hope to find. This boy is happy to do anything asked of him. Trail ride! He’s your go to guy Want a dressage or jumping lesson: he’ll give it a try Swing a rope: he has no idea what’s going on but he’s game. Ben goes western, English, and bareback. He been ridden out in the field, out on the trail, in an indoor, in daylight and at night. W/t/c had lead changes. Can be a little Tough to pick up the right lead, but it’s improving. No buck, bolt, rear, spin, spook. He’s a solid, steady eddy. Same horse with riding everyday or two months off, with no pre-ride prep. 60 day professional restart. Not fancy broke, but knows the basics. Has great brakes, slow gas, can turn on the forehand and turn on the haunch. Opens gates. UTD: vaccines, dentals and shoes. Ties, crossties, trailers, stands for the farrier