Sparky is a kick butt pony. He has been ridden on trails, at the beach, in the arena, around a bunch of horses at shows, on our obstacle course and so much more. Sparky has a locking stifle that only comes along when he is out of work for awhile. Vet says zero pain just needs to stay worked to keep the muscle tone. Sound and Sane. Selling this boy is really hard for me because I adore him, but he doesn't enjoy being a lesson pony, and prefers having a family, so I try to honor that for them if I see that. He would be a handy little pony for your kiddo who is ready to move up. He does have an opinion and will express it if he is allowed, so that is why I have him listed as a step up pony, but we have used him with absolute beginner kids and special needs kids and he does great as long as his regular ride is keeping him tuned up. He also has a really fun personality to go with his cute looks!