Fancy is a bit of a been there done that kinda gal! She has done parades, trails, gymkhana, barrels etc. she is currently being used as a lesson horse. I would recommend a strong beginner/intermediate rider for her although she has some “fancy” buttons an advanced rider may enjoy. This girl will slide stop, spin, and has very nice ground manners! She’s been a great confidence booster for me. Fancy’s previous owners tried to breed her and unfortunately she would not get pregnant, they tried for two breeding seasons.. so i suppose that’s one thing she may not be able to do for you. She is more than willing to try just about anything! Except walk through that puddle.. that puddle is a NO GO. However fancy’s form of refusal is very.. mediocre you might say. She does nothing crazy when refusing. No buck, kick or bite! She does know how to rear on command but will not do it unless cued. You can climb around her legs, slide off her back and hang from her neck.. she just loves to be in your space. As this is something we are always working on.. and she’s gotten much better about.. she can be kinda a pain to mount from the ground. She will just keep stepping away. We have had good success getting her to stand at a mounting block though:) She is only offered for sale for a limited time while I’m pregnant since I can’t give her as much time/attention she deserves. I would be totally content keeping her for the rest of her life. A forever home with someone who loves her like I do is what’s most important to me.