Coffee is five and wearing the red halter and bean is six and wearing the purple halter. Bean is thirteen two hands and coffee is just a smidgen under thirteen two but bigger than thirteen one hands. They match the absolute best! This awesome team is well broke to both ride and drive. We have driven them down the main roads, under the highway overpass, all over the farm and they have been to the wagon rides. These girls are easy to harness, hitch and drive. Traffic safe and have seen the sites. They will go whatever pace you'd like. Coffee and Bean have also been ridden down the trails and will ride off by themselves and together. Both will trot and lope correct circles in the arena too! Would make excellent 4H prospects, trail horses, commercial and recreational driving team, and all-around using horses. They cross water/logs/ditches etc. Good around dogs/traffic/farm equipment etc. We have thrown balls at them, had tarps all over them, and they have taken it all in stride. They are gentle, good minded, smart, trainable, and have the perfect mix of whoah and go. These are very versatile mares with their whole life ahead of them! A very hard to find quality, younger team of haflingers. You will look long and hard to find ones like them so don't miss out! Located in Dodgeville, WI and can ship anywhere in the U.S twelve thousand for the pair and wont split them apart. Watch all their videos below: