Fantastic opportunity for someone starting their own breeding program or just wanting to add quality bloodlines to their current one! Here is your rare chance to own a Makuba daughter who is IN FOAL to a premium premier successful eventing pony stallion Blue Dreamin Catadude who is by champion hunter British Riding Pony Rosedale Top Cat! Glory is a wonderful broodmare who is super easy to handle. She is great for the farrier and vet, trailers, no vices, can live out on pasture and does fine in a stall. She is a WONDERFUL mother and super easy to get in foal (takes the first time every time) and foals out without any complications. This is our BEST broodmare and her foals sell fast! My family and I have decided to shift our breeding and showing to just the rein/cow horses so unfortunately have made the decision to sell our sport ponies; no fault of their own. I have spent 20 years building a good reputation breeding the finest sport ponies around who have been successful in eventing against the horses. I have bred multiple champions in the Future Event Horse, even having the highest scored young horses/ponies in the Nation out of over 300 who competed! This mare, Glory, is the most beautiful pony I've ever seen; she scored Premium Premier at her NASPR inspection, has a baby doll head that she passes on to all of her foals, lovely movement and jumping ability. She is also Homozygous BLACK and will ONLY have a black or bay foal! She is up to date on everything and has only ever received the best of care! I bred her and know everything about her. Her conformation is flawless, and she has always been 100% sound and always healthy. She gets along with others and will even raise her foal with other mares and foals. She is very sure footed and an easy keeper. She has NASPR papers as well as International Quarter pony association papers. Her sire Makuba was one of the greatest German Riding Ponies out there who was successful FEI dressage and advanced driving. His offspring inherit his kind trainable temperament as well as athletic ability. The sire Glory is in foal to, Catadude, has produced top offspring twice before with her and this foal should be a carbon copy of the others! Dude is the BEST jumper around and his conformation is perfect. He passes on his wonderful temperament and trainability. Glory has had fillies and colts. Glory's dam, Nevadas Little Spark, is a very well bred foundation AQHA buckskin who has produced multiple champion offspring. She is our farm's pride and Joy and such a wonderful mare to ride. She is still sound and riding! Glory will give you many more wonderful foals and you'll fall in love with her. Glory is the perfect age of 11 and you will be able to breed her for years to come I have no doubt! If she doesn't sell, we will hold onto her as this foal will be exceptional! If someone wanted to start Glory under saddle, I'm sure she would be wonderful. Or teach her to drive!