Kai will be 10 this year. He stands over 18 hands. He was green broke as a 3/4 year old. He has not been saddled / worked with really since then. He is very smart and willing- loves to please. He can be in a mixed herd of both mates and gelding as well as ponies etc / is easy to catch. Easy to handle / good for vet. Used to be good for farrier - hasn’t been done lately - he won’t hold his own hoof up. With moving / kids / pregnancy I have been unable to work him lately - he will be quick to remember I am sure. Not pressed to sell- just offering in case someone can offer a better home with more attention.
Kai will be 10 this year. He stands over 18 hands. He was green broke as a 3/4 year old. He has not been saddled / worked with really since then. He is very smart and willing- loves to please. He can be in a mixed herd of both mates and gelding as well as ponies etc / is easy to catch. Easy to handle / good for vet. Used to be good for farrier - hasn’t been done lately - he won’t hold his own hoof up. With moving / kids / pregnancy I have been unable to work him lately - he will be quick to remember I am sure. Not pressed to sell- just offering in case someone can offer a better home with more attention.