Echo is a gorgeous Perch/Qh mare imported from Canada. She has been trained using Clinton Anderson style natural horsemanship through intermediate on ground and fundamentals under saddle. 2 seasons under saddle lightly. Mostly arena work with a handful or trail rides. Echo is barefoot with NICE feet for a draft cross. Super sweet, in-your-pocket personality. Loves attention. Unfortunately, owner career and family circumstances have left this girl sitting around more that we would like. Sensible, athletic, and still a bit green this girl can take you places on the trail or in dressage. Echo tested positive for PSSM1 last year during her vet work up. She has never tied up and is currently low maintenance. Local brome hay 20lbs daily and a vitamin e supplement. She has a large paddock now and 8hrs pasture in summer. Movement is key in management of PSSM but again, she hasn't had consistent work this winter and is doing fine. Seeking the right person to give this girl love and attention. We will be picky. Price is negotiable to the right home.