- [ ] Ginger is an amazing horse. She loves people horses and all sorts of different animals. Ginger jumps, dressage, dose 4-h, gymkhana, trail, pushing cattle goes through water, goat tying, princess flag running and so much more. Ginger loves pushing cattle you could push cattle for 5 hours and she would still want to go! Ginger rides both western and English and can go from a fun slow trail horse to a super fast speed running gymkhana pony. If you need a horse that can do just about anything here she is. She is a super easy keeper never needed shoes can be on a simple diet. I will say if she is on grain it has to be soaked she is a fast eater and has chocked in the past with unsoaked grain. But other than that she is perfectly fine. Ginger is fine with or without horses and can be kept in a stall field or small pen. She loads and unloads out of a trailer perfectly and can ride in one for a long time. Ginger loves kids and being groomed and played with. Ginger has won me a saddle buckles and more all the way from jumping to showmanship to gymkhana. I’m selling Ginger because I have grown out of her. I have purchased a new pleasure horse and are possibly looking for another barrel horse. Ginger is truly my heart horse and if I could keep her I would, but we all know that the horse world is not getting any cheaper. PS. Ginger may be a “pony,”but she is not a play date pony she is a horse that can go when needed to and is recommended to an experienced/ intermediate rider.*Please text me for pictures and videos and any other questions about her!!! (719)-221-4204