This is breaking my heart to offer this girl up for your consideration. I've had Tipsy for 5 years and she got me back in the saddle after years without horses. She's a 19 y/o grade quarter horse, however she is gaited. She's broke and nothing really phases her. She's definitely more go than woah, not in a bad way just very forward moving. She's been hauled extensively, practically loads herself and backs out no fuss. She's been on several overnight camping trips, poker rides, parades, trail riding all over. She's good in the arena and outside. She's been to the beach multiple times. On the trails she'll lead , follow, head out alone. She's definitely an amazing riding horses. UTD on shots, worming, shoes just done a couple weeks ago. I keep shoes on her when I'm doing alot of trail riding. Now with all of this being said her cons: she's very marish, and a huge bluffer. She pins her ears constantly but won't do anything she's definitely got character which I've always loved sassy mares. She does have a hitch in her back right leg sometimes, but the more she's worked and muscle built up it doesn't bother her as much. She does have some arthritis which if I ride her hard or it's really cold I give her butless and nuprin or asprin-eze which helps. And last but not least she has to have soaked grain rather than hay atleast twice a day. I give her a blend of Timothy pellets and haystack special blend 2 scoops, morning and night and she stays pleasantly plump. I checked with my vet because she was having diarrhea constantly and he said the hay was irritating her stomach lining and once switched to soaked pellets it cleared up and no problems since. She can be a feral little spawn of Satan π but is an amazing riding horse. I've done lead line with my boys on her and my 15 year old rides her however with her stank attitude sometime I wouldn't fully trust her around kids unattended. I love this girl so much and absolutely hate writing this post. Ideally I would love to find her an older lady that wants a good riding companion and with her being gained she doesn't kill you back as I have a bad back and done have a lot of issues after riding her. She loves trails and this horse is moody but once you tack her up and mount up her ears perk forward and she's ready for whatever you throw her way. I'm not in a huge hurry to find her a new address and will be picky about where she ends up I want the softest and hopefully last landing possible f9r this girl as she deserves it. Thanks so very much for taking the time to read this and hopefully will chat with y'all soon. βΊοΈπ asking 2500.00 obo please serious inquiries only. I'm already having a hard time getting g rid of my girl and the only reason is our kids are getting older and we want to take more trips, bit with her feed regimen it hard and hard to find responsible people to look after her.