SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY!! Please Read Ad before messaging me! NOT A GAMING HORSE! “Phoenix” is a Mustang Gelding off of the Yakima Reservation. Phoenix is more go than woah! No bite, kick, buck, or rear. Bathes, ties, hauls, loads, picks up feet, first to greet you at the gate, good with teeth floating, saddles, solid feet (doesn’t require shoes), rides along other horses nicely. He is looking for a forever home, where someone can give him a job to focus on and excel in. Phoenix would excel the best in an English discipline (Vet suggested) such as Dressage, hunter jumper, Eventing, English Equitation, or English Pleasure. He would also have great potential in Ranch Riding, and Cow Sorting. He has had little experience with both, and enjoys it. No gaming! Phoenix knows his ways around the trails, he is amazing at it, he loves swimming and prefers to be the leader of the pack on trails. He is a hard worker, very fast learner, and is eager to please you. Phoenix is an easy keeper, and does not require any maintenance. Phoenix prefers living outside with a covered area versus being in a stall. I have owned Phoenix since 2019, through the years my sister and I have shown him in 4-H, competing in Ranch Riding, Ranch Trail, in hand trail and showmanship, English Equitation, Ground poles, and English Pleasure. He has not had any formal training but we work with a trainer and she has helped us a lot along the way. Phoenix would excel best with an intermediate or experienced rider, who has confidence. Not for a beginner, not a lesson horse, not a horse multiple people can ride. Phoenix is a one person horse, he performs best with one rider. This is a horse who needs to be ridden consistently or he will get bored. He is such a sweet and amazing horse, I will be very picky with where he goes!